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Becoming Catholic (OCIA)

Our Lady of Perpetual Help
3730 Broadway
Grove City, OH 43123

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, RCIA helps individuals to explore the Catholic faith and then enter into the faith journey by coming to know Jesus and eventually by becoming fully initiated members of the Catholic Church.

Becoming Catholic - The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults 2024-2025

Welcome! We are thankful that you have found your way to this page on our parish website. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we are here to serve you and to accompany you.

The next steps are to complete the registration form for the process we call RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, and if you haven’t already, to contact Karen Cook, the RCIA Director to have an initial casual conversation. You can email her below, or call her at 614.875.3322 extension 313.

Weekly “no obligation” inquiry sessions start on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 from 6:30 – 8 pm.

This process is for you if…

  • God is leading you to the Catholic faith, whether you are coming from another faith or have not practiced any faith
  • You did not complete the sacraments of initiation (baptism, reconciliation, first communion) as a child
  • You are Catholic and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith


  1. Coming together as a community to worship
  2. Serving the needy
  3. Authoritative teaching on issues of faith and morals
  4. Studying and living out God’s Word in the Holy Scripture
  5. An openness to receiving God’s grace through prayer, the sacramental life and stewardship

If you are called to any or all of these aspects of practicing faith in God, then join us in growing closer to Christ through the RCIA program.


OCIA is a process through which adults are initiated into the Roman Catholic Church. It unfolds gradually in a series of steps and time periods, taking place in the midst of the faithful.

The periods of OCIA are those times of inquiry and growth that prepare people to move on to another step in the process of initiation. In the initial period, participants are invited to attend weekly meetings to pray, share, ask questions and learn. This period is called Inquiry. It is wonderful to meet others who may be looking for a deeper relationship with Christ within a community of believers. The inquiry period begins in September and continues until the Advent season in December.

During the second phase, the Catechumenate, participants are invited to deepen their understanding of God’s Word in scripture and the Traditions of the Church. This period usually lasts until February.

The season of Lent, is a time for purification, deepening conversion and preparation. Participants will be preparing in a special way for the Easter Vigil celebration to receive the Sacraments. Part of the preparation includes special times when the parish family will observe and honor your desire to enter into full communion in the Catholic faith. Special times are set aside at Sunday Masses during Lent to witness this commitment.

After the Easter Vigil, participants will continue to meet through the month of May. This final step on the RCIA journey, helps the newly initiated deepen their faith and reflect on their experiences. This final stage, called the Mystagogia, completes the formation of the participant into the practicing community of Catholics.


You can express your interest in participating in the OCIA by contacting Karen Cook, Director of Evangelization and Adult Faith formation at 614.875.3322 ext 313 or at [email protected]

After being welcomed into the Church at Easter, these new members enter into mystagogy, a time of reflection and more learning about what it means to be Catholic.