Last year, my appeal for the OLA/BAA focused on the need for a master plan for Our Lady. Bishop Fernandes has approved the planning process and we are ready to move forward. William Heyer, Architect, will be conducting our Master Planning process. This will be a comprehensive study for future development and renovation to the campus of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church and School. This process will assess the existing conditions of parish facilities as well as develop a comprehensive Master Plan of the campus (Church, School and Pre-School) addressing the functional space, traffic circulation, parking, and development facilities, of green space and open areas, including playing fields and playgrounds. A Master Plan will focus on these needs and consider future needs. No specific schedule has been determined yet. 

The following timelines have been proposed:

Phase One: Orientation and Data Assembly 
Five Weeks, Two Meetings

Phase Two: Analysis and Development of Recommendations 
Five Weeks, Two Meetings

Phase Three: Master Plan Development 
Five Weeks, Two Meetings

There will be school family and parishioner focus groups and town hall meetings to take part in as we move forward. We anticipate having the final Master Plan ready for presentation to the parish by December 31, 2023. The Master Plan will help us move forward to the feasibility stage as we explore realities for Our Lady within the context of the Master Plan for the Diocese of Columbus with Bishop Fernandes. I look forward to walking through this process with you. 

Have a great week!
Fr. Joe