April 10, 2023

The Precious Blood returns

From Bishop Fernandes and Fr. Keller, OP, Director of Liturgy for the Diocese of Columbus, on the return of the Precious Blood at Mass.

“The Blood of the new and eternal covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins, has been entrusted to the Church by Christ by his one sacrifice re-presented at every Mass we celebrate. The Eucharistic Prayer, in which the Body and Blood of Christ are consecrated, is the heart of the Mass. The consummation of the Mass is “found in Holy Communion, whereby people purchased for the Father by his beloved Son eat and drink the Body and Blood of Christ...They are joined to Christ Jesus and to one another” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 5).

In recent times, due to the Pandemic, the policy in the Diocese of Columbus has been to refrain from distributing the Precious Blood as Holy Communion. Bishop Fernandes has decided that the time has come to reconsider the possibility of distribution of Holy Communion under both species of bread and wine at Mass, as a fuller sign of participation in the Eucharistic banquet.

Therefore, beginning on Divine Mercy Sunday, ad experimentum, we will begin the process of reintroducing the distribution of the Sacred Blood of Jesus. At the end of the Easter Season, Bishop Fernandes will evaluate the practices and give further instruction on the continuance of the practice. We will offer two chalices at each Mass at the weekend Masses only. There will be a learning curve as the distribution of the Precious Blood resumes. Please be patient with us. 

We must also refrain from the heresy of utraquism, which maintains that reception of both species of Holy Communion is necessary for salvation. This heresy, strengthened by the failure to understand the principle of concomitance, has led many faithful to the pernicious thinking that they are receiving less of Christ if they receive under only one species of Holy Communion. We will also not be offering Holy Communion by intinction (the practice of dipping the consecrated host into the Precious Blood and then receiving the “intincted” host in Holy Communion). Only a priest or deacon may administer Holy Communion by intinction and never done by a communicant or an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. This is a grave violation and profanation of the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus to do so otherwise. 

Thank you for your patience and your understanding during this great celebration of the Feast of our Faith.

– Fr. Joe