September 26, 2023

Did you know our parish has its own radio station?

Every school day, you can tune your radio to 101.9FM and learn about the Saint of the Day, pray the rosary, broaden your vocabulary, and hear valuable announcements. There are live guests (new this year), jokes (some of them actually funny), and a turtle wearing a top hat and monocle named Mr. Turtlesworth IV who admonishes me to be more serious in his posh British accent. 

The turtle may, or may not be true, but still try listening. It airs at 2:25pm and has a range of about 1-mile from the parish. If you are in one of the roughly 100 cars waiting in the school pickup line, there is no better way to spend your time; funny cat videos on your smartphone notwithstanding. 

Our production values are essentially zero and I broadcast literally from inside a closet, but trust me, it will be worth your time. If not, blame Mr. Turtlesworth. 

By Eric Brooks